KEY VERSE: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (VERSE 33)
This particular chapter of the Book of John tells of how we Christians will be treated by the world. I have loved this chapter since it details how much Jesus has loved his disciples, that as he goes away to be offered for our sins, he tells his disciples the things that will come to pass. He says that as he goes back to the Father, he will send the Comforter to minister unto them (VERSE 7). He also told them that as the world rejoices, they will weep (VERSE 20). But there is an end to all this turmoil and tribulation, as our Lord Jesus Christ has said, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (VERSE 33)
Life is getting more complicated for Christians around the world. In countries like China, even online downloads of bibles are prohibited. There is a law in the state of California that is pro LGBT which will restrict Christians speaking out against them. Even GQ magazine placed the Holy Bible in their 21 BOOKS YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ, calling it "repetitive, self-contradictory, sententious, foolish, and even at times ill-intentioned". We are being touted as bigots and haters. They mock us, and even censor us. They still believe that we are the largest "religion in the world", thus we are still in the majority, and we face no such thing.
Is that so? Then why did Our Lord Jesus Christ say that the world know him not. if they believed in him, they why did they put him to death? So if Christ is not of the world, then so are the real Christians. Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ. The so-called majority religion is made up of man made traditions that mostly don't glorify God. The real Christians, however, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, to live a life acceptable of God. He is separated from the world, thus the world thinks differently of him. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he can interpret the Scriptures, have fellowhip with fellow believers, and most importantly preach the Gospel of Salvation with boldness. Thus persecution and death follows. But though we will face persecutions, we have the promise from our Lord Jesus Christ that he has overcome the world, and that in these words we can find peace. The peace that he gives us is not the peace of the world, which is temporary, but the peace that comes from an all powerful God who will someday return and reclaim his kingdom.
Let us not be too attached to this world. I will always pray for all of you my brethren in the Lord to strenghten us against this world. Thank you.
MAY 4,2018
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