Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Read Obadiah

KEY VERSE:"For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever." (VERSE 10)

We all know the story of one of the sibling rivalries in the bible, namely Esau and Jacob, sons of Isaac and grandchildren of Abraham. We all know that by Rebekah's cunning advice that Jacob stole the blessing of Isaac and ran away to work in his uncle's place, and alos get married. His older brother Esau was furious at him. It will be years later that they will reconcile.

Years later, both brothers gave births to ancient kingdoms, namely Edom (Esau) and Israel (Jacob). Mount Seir became the dwelling place of the Edomites while the land of Canaan became the inheritance of the Israelites. Moses was even instructed by the Lord not to "Meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their land, no, not so much as a foot breadth; because I have given mount Seir unto Esau for a possession" (Deuteronomy 2:5). God also took care of the descendants of Esau since they are Jacob's brother. Thus Israel and Edom are brothers.

However, on that fretful day that the Kingdom of Judah fell,  the Edomites also helped the Babylonians plunder the city. Instead of helping their brother, they rejoiced, sacked, plundered and delivered those who are escaping to the enemy. The prophet Obadiah details of how Edom stood against his brother in verses 11-14. He also tells of how Edom will be judged by the Lord, and how Jacob will be restored.

As Christians, we should not behave how Esau and Edom are. We must not consent evil, neither must we be like people who kicks a man when he is down. We know that Edom is a Gentile nation, but he is still a nation blessed by God. It is sad that he chose to side with fellow Gentiles than his brother in time of need. If we do his, we will become like Edom, who was consumed by God and became just a footnote. Esau's legacy is not a lasting one, for the Lord judged his people for the wickedness they have wrought upon their brother. Let us not be like Edom.



MAY 2,2018   

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