Part One: How it all happens (Verses 1-14)
Key Verse: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; then the end will come" (Verse 14)
It starts with the Jesus departing the temple, as he prophesied the destruction of the temple. At this time, the Jews still reject Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah. They still believe in the Law that was givsn by God to Moses. As we all know the Temple is the main place where is Jews worship. It would be 40 years after Jesus' death and resurrection that this prophesy was fulfilled, as the Roman Legions destroyed the Second Temple and scattered the Jews all over the Earth. He came to save the lost sheep of Israel, but like most of us today, we still prefer religion over him. It was also then at this time that his disciples asked him about the end of the world, and his second coming. (Verses 1-3).
Next he gave warnings to them. He told them of a great deception and the coming of false Christs, conflicts against nations, great natural disasters in various places. He says that we should not be troubled as these are just the beginning of sorrows. If we observe the events in the world today, don't you think that bible prophesy is being fulfilled? Typhoons, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Famines are killing a lot of people today as they happen almost every time. Conflicts in countries like Iraq, Syria and North Korea may show that the World maybe readying for a Third World War. If the Second World War yielded a lot of casualties, imagine what a Third World war would mean. Before it only took two nuclear bombs to end a war, now imagine almost every superpowered country using it to annihilate one another? That is why there came the Rapture or Pre-Millenialist belief that all those worthy will be saved by the Lord. Let us not be blind to this. Open your eyes, and also open your bibles as well. (Verses 4-8)
Because of your belief in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you will be persecuted at these times. For when the great deception comes, then people will not care for each other. They will only serve their whims. As we all know, social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have been used to create the perfect idol:US. Yes, we want it all. The focus is not anymore in the Lord Jesus Christ, but in our family, activities,etc. It made us man-made Gods, no more needing idols of stone and gold. We don't care for others, only ourselves. This great deception will lead more people to apostasy, and a great falling away. True Christians will be persecuted like in the times of the Apostles. Because they believed in the Savior, people will find them indifferent. They will be tested, and in the end shall suffer and die. But for them, to die for Christ is to live with him as well. As Paul's letter to the Philippians states "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Also his letter to the Romans he says "Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him" (Romans 6:8). But why will God's elect be persecuted? Because they will be preaching the gospel of the Lord in all the world. Yes, the believers of Christ will be preaching the gospel. I am very happy that there are people in countries like China, Egypt and Syria wanting to read the bible. It means that little by little, the gospel of salvation is reaching unbelievers. As Christians in the faith, this is good news for us.
(Verses 9-14)
Next time I will deliver Part 2. may Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you!!
AUGUST 31,2017
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