Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Read  Luke 12:13-21  

KEY VERSE: Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart be also"

This gospel reading is very significant for today. As Christianity is being infiltrated by the so called "Prosperity Gospel", more and more people are now focusing on having earthly treasures more than heavenly treasures. The influential people, the media and even the so called Pastors of this gospel pushes forth the getting of more material wealth. This is very different to what the bible actually says.

In the parable of the rich fool, Jesus Christ was asked by a man in the company to divide his inheritance with his brother (verse 13), to which then Jesus told this parable. In this parable, the rich man accumulated so much wealth that he needed to tear down his barns to build new ones. Then he said to himself that he will just east, drink and be merry for may years. But on that night he dies, so who now gains in those treasures that he has stored up? (verses 16-20)

It is sad that even Christians today are so focused on the world. It's not like that we don't want to work, but we should not focus on this too much. Why? Because we are living in the End Times. Even if we work hard to store up things for this, do you think it will be worth it? In the end it will be a waste, as this world is only temporary. I once looked at the apartment that we are renting as I was praying, and I told myself that even though I don't have my own house, we are all but just renting in this world. The real owner, Jesus Christ, will be the one that will build our mansions in heaven. So shy work very hard on things that are temporal?

My brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, let us all work for our salvation. Let us focus more in the things that our Lord Jesus Christ promised us: Eternal Life. That way, we will experience the fullness of God's love and promise to us. This world can only offer so much,and in the end will just be wasted. I know because before I also chased after the world, but as Jesus Christ opened my eyes he now uses me to preach his good news to the world.



July 19,2017

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