Friday, July 28, 2017


Read Luke 24:13-35

KEY VERSE "But their eyes were hidden that they should not know him" (Verse 16).        

How do we say that we know Jesus? It has been a question that has been raised to many people. We know him by many means. Our parents told stories of him as we grow up, or by the media (television, movies and even comics). But, is this how we really know him? What if he actually walked with us, will we recognize him. Will we hear his voice?

The road to Emmaus contains this episode in the life of the disciples. It was just after the resurrection of Jesus that he met two disciples as they were on this road. The key verse explains what the meeting was like. They didn't recognize him yet, even as he spoke to them about the scriptures. It was only in the breaking of the bread that they recognized that it is him.

In this life, this is how I would describe my personal relationship with him. I thought I always knew and will recognize him. I grew up following all the customs and traditions of my former religion. I was also, a good son and eventually became a good husband. But just like the disciples, my eyes were hidden thus I didn't know him well.  I was so caught up with my religion, that Jesus was hidden from me. But he never gave up on me. December 2015 as the year was about to end I made a promise that I would like to know him.

As I celebrated by birthday last year, I bought a bible and the latest copy of Our Daily Bread devotionals. I not only read, but studied the bible and shared the message to my wife. Just as Christ was recognized by his disciples in the breaking of the bread, He revealed himself to me in the bible. Now, I know that I am walking with him now.  

That's the reason for this blog. I just don't write topics out of thin air. I write topics that the Holy Spirit leads me to write. I want the readers of the blog to be touched by Our Lord Jesus Christ, so that when we walk with him, we can recognize him.

Have a Blessed Weekend,


Thursday, July 27, 2017


Read Matthew 24: 37-39

KEY VERSE  " But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Verse 37)

The rain always reminds us that the hot months are already over. It heralds floods, traffic jams, road accidents and a lot of things. Heavier rains means that loss of life and property is at hand. This has always been the cycle in our country.

But the bible tells of a different kind of rain. In the Book of Genesis, God drowned the world with a great flood, killing almost all life except Noah and those in his ark. The ark became the salvation of them. It rained hard for almost 40 days and nights. Imagine that.

Today, our Lord Jesus Christ refers to the End of days as like in the days of Noe.   We live in a world more wicked than those times. People don't care anymore about God. They have become ingrained to the world, thereby just trying to please themselves with the word more than what God can provide. Different forms of idolatry has taken over the world. The world moves closer and closer to what we will know as the Tribulation. Our Lord Jesus Christ describes the Tribulation period to his apostles, as being great "such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor shall ever be" (Verse 23).

As the floods devoured he wicked people in Noah's days, so will the Great Tribulation destroy the wicked also. The floods caught the people unaware, save Noah and the people in the Ark. This is  where we must be cautious. As how we prepare if there are rainy weathers, we must also prepare for this event. How? By
being always connected with our Lord Jesus Christ in prayers and the scriptures.

In closing, we must be ready for these days to come. The signs are already here. Let us be part of the Ark, the God that saved Noah will surely save us as well.



JULY 27,2017                                  

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Read  Luke 12:13-21  

KEY VERSE: Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart be also"

This gospel reading is very significant for today. As Christianity is being infiltrated by the so called "Prosperity Gospel", more and more people are now focusing on having earthly treasures more than heavenly treasures. The influential people, the media and even the so called Pastors of this gospel pushes forth the getting of more material wealth. This is very different to what the bible actually says.

In the parable of the rich fool, Jesus Christ was asked by a man in the company to divide his inheritance with his brother (verse 13), to which then Jesus told this parable. In this parable, the rich man accumulated so much wealth that he needed to tear down his barns to build new ones. Then he said to himself that he will just east, drink and be merry for may years. But on that night he dies, so who now gains in those treasures that he has stored up? (verses 16-20)

It is sad that even Christians today are so focused on the world. It's not like that we don't want to work, but we should not focus on this too much. Why? Because we are living in the End Times. Even if we work hard to store up things for this, do you think it will be worth it? In the end it will be a waste, as this world is only temporary. I once looked at the apartment that we are renting as I was praying, and I told myself that even though I don't have my own house, we are all but just renting in this world. The real owner, Jesus Christ, will be the one that will build our mansions in heaven. So shy work very hard on things that are temporal?

My brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, let us all work for our salvation. Let us focus more in the things that our Lord Jesus Christ promised us: Eternal Life. That way, we will experience the fullness of God's love and promise to us. This world can only offer so much,and in the end will just be wasted. I know because before I also chased after the world, but as Jesus Christ opened my eyes he now uses me to preach his good news to the world.



July 19,2017

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Read  Psalm 23

KEY VERSE "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." (Verse 1)

This Psalm of King David is very powerful. I heard this Psalm first in the TV series "The Winds of War". In one scene, there is a train wherein the Jews were taken to a gas chamber. One of the characters in the train started to say this Psalm in his mind. As it was being narrated by him, they were eventually led to the gas chamber, to their deaths. 

The Psalm also points to David, a humble shepherd who took care of his father's flock, then eventually was anointed king by God. He now tends the flock of Israel. But perhaps the strongest example of a good shepherd is our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the true shepherd that takes care of the flock. He tries to feed us with green grass and let's us drink in clear waters. When we are lost, he tries to find us, and to rejoice if he has found us.

This Psalm is one of my personal favorites. Here our Lord not only comforts us (Verse 2), leads us to righteousness (Verse 3), protects us (Verse 4), blesses us (Verse 5). This gives the Christians an assurance that God will always be with us if we follow him as our good shepherd. Just as he has said in the Gospel of John Chapter 10: "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep" (verse 11). He repeats this again by saying "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine (verse 14)." 

Let us always follow the good shepherd, not the hireling. Truly I will say

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. (Verse 6)"



JULY 6,2017

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Read  Acts 10

KEY VERSE: " Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." (Matthew 21:43)

We know that the reason that Jesus Christ came into the world was to preach unto the lost sheep of Israel about the Kingdom of God. As his chosen people, God wants to save them first, having established his covenant with their ancestors. The Jews, however, still cling to the old traditions that bind them. Thus they rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah. These words of Jesus in the key verse is part of the parable of the vineyard (Matthew 21:33-44). Jesus was then sacrificed for our sins.

In Acts 10, it tells the story of a man known as Cornelius,a devout centurion who sent for Peter to come to his place. Peter also had a vision from the Lord as he fell asleep on the roof (Verses 11-16). 
It was the that the people sent by Cornelius came to look for him. He came to their place, and listened to him preach about Jesus Christ. As Peter was preaching the Holy Ghost fell upon them, and they magnified the Lord by speaking in tongues. They were also baptized. (Verses 44-48).

 We as Gentiles are also as blessed as God's people. We also became his children when we accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts, and confessed our sins to him. He washes us with the water of baptism, as sends the Holy Ghost to us, to preach his word and his gospel to all corners of the world. We are not anymore second class citizens, for there is neither Jew nor Gentile anymore for those that will accept him as his savior. And if you seek him, you will find him. Take it from me, who has been living a lie bought about by traditions of men for almost forty years of my life. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for making that change for my family. You can too. 



JULY 4,2017