Thursday, July 18, 2019


READ LUKE 19:41-44

KEY VERSE:“For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.”  (vv 43-44)

One of the reasons why the Israelites were waiting for the Messiah is to deliver them from the might of the Roman Empire. Known as one of the greatest ancient empires of the ancient world, Rome conquered most of the known world. They were waiting for deliverance from Rome, as Rome also taxes them. Also, they have leaders that were in cahoots with Rome. They know that the messiah will be a very powerful one, to be sent by God himself. Then Jesus Christ came into the world, born of a lowly carpenter's son.

Even though he already revealed to them who he is, they rejected him as the Messiah. Despite the miracles and cures and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God, he got his just rewards. He was nailed to the cross, given to the very powers that ruled them. Yes, they delivered their savior to the hands of the people that they want to freed with in the first place. Even Pilate questioned him, to which Jesus Christ said "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. " (John 18:36)

Even if that were the case, Our Lord Jesus Christ never wanted them to fight Rome. When he was asked if he payed taxes. Jesus' answer was "render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." (Matthew 22:21)

But Jesus know what are in the hearts of men. The key passages indicates how the destruction of Jerusalem will happen, and he even wept of what will happen to the temple. A lot of us right now will conclude that this happened because they rejected the Messiah and have him put to death in the hands of the Gentiles. This is true, but there is also a deeper meaning. From the different points of scripture, we know that the Israelites are a stubborn group of people, who always rebelled against authority. They did not like the authority that Rome has over them, thus war broke out between them and Rome. In the end, the Roman Emperor Titus sacked and destroyed the Second Temple in 70 AD. They were then scattered around the world.

How does this affect us today? Most of us defy authority. Whether they be parents, bosses or even the leaders of our nations, we defy them. We criticize them if their policies don't benefit us. Specially if they oppress us, we then take to the streets and protest against them. But the scriptures offer a different point of view. Different New Testament authors tells us to be "subject to the rulers that are above us". Why would they say that. Simply because if we can't follow our earthly leaders, how can we follow our Lord Jesus Christ which is in the heavens? To say that we love him is to follow him, also he gave authority to our leaders to lead us, and to follow them as well. Now we may argue that some of them are not agreeing with things in the scriptures (LGBT, same sex marriages, abortion, divorce, human rights violations), but we can take a course of action by praying for them for proper governance. In this way, we can say no to some issues without being violent. If we really follow our Lord Jesus Christ, then we have to follow our earthly rulers.

Jerusalem and the Jews got what they deserved. If they have listened to Jesus, their temple would still be there. However, they put him to death and rebelled against Rome. They lost everything, just as Jesus has prophesied.

This goes out to people who still criticize their government always. They just open their mouths without making a major contribution to society. Whatever happened to the great saying of the late President of the United States John F. Kennedy who said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".  Each ruler, whether they are righteous or evil, will have roles to play in the events that will shape our history. May we please consider this.

JULY 18,2019       

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Read Mark 12:41-44

KEY VERSE: "For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living." (verse 44)

Last year, I was suspended for fifteen days by my company. I don't want to get to the details but it was nit something that I felt needed that long time. I was without a stable income at that time, and when I came back after my suspension I didn't have a salary for one pay period. 

Though I came back, there was bitterness in my heart. I was really ranting since I felt that there was an injustice done unto me. I was also concerned with how I will make it through the next pay period. Yes, I got help from my brothers in our former church, also from my relatives and my wife's relatives, but God really moves in a most uncertain and wonderful way. 

One of our maintenance personnel, Ate April ("ate" in our language means older sister), approached me and gave me a small amount of money (it was 500 hundred pesos). She told me not to be bitter anymore and she even apologized for the amount. She also told me that this will help me to get through next week. I broke up in tears, as this was a very humbling experience for me. She was the least of the people in the office, but she was moved by God to help those in need.

The scripture passage about the widow'd offering (verse 41-44) came to mind. As Jesus observed the people giving in the treasury she saw one widow who gave on two mites. She gave more because according to Jesus they cast in their abundance but she gave all that she have. This does not mean that Ate April gave her entire income for that day, but she gave because someone needed it. It's not the amount anymore that makes the difference, but she, being the least in the office, helped me in my time of need. The Lord compensated her by having the company give her 5,000 pesos as part of her Loyalty award to the company. 

This story just reminds us that if we are blessed then we must share our blessings to be salts and lights to a world filled with narcissistic people. The story of Ate April's generosity has moved me so much, that I will now be supporting a campus minister in spreading God's word. And, her story will be told to people of how the Lord works in ways we cannot see. 

To God be the Glory!!!
