Thursday, June 29, 2017


Read   Jonah 3

KEY VERSE: "For word came unto the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes." (verse 6)

The God of the Old Testament has always been viewed by some people (who are not Christians) as a mass murderer. They see him drowning all of creation (Genesis 7) and raining fire and brimstone to cities that are filled with wickedness (Genesis 19). For them, he is a wicked God that wants evil to perish.

But they want to see what they want to see. They will always avoid the ways of how God redeemed his people and bought them a home. They will argue, "he has favorites, since the Israelites are people , he will not punish them". They really need to read the entire bible.

But God's act of kindness does not only cover his chosen people. The people of Nineveh, a city in the Assyrian Empire was known for it's wickedness. God sent a prophet named Jonah to preach unto the city else God will destroy them. Jonah even hesitated and wanted the city to perish. But God didn't allow it.       

In the Book of Jonah Chapter 3, when Jonah preached unto them, they turned back from their old ways. They heeded the words of the prophet and they were spared by God. A mighty city, they humbled themselves before the creator. Thus they were not destroyed.

Let the story of Jonah and Nineveh reminds us that there is a God that is very gracious. Even though they are Gentiles, God forgave them of their sins and they were not destroyed. This is the reason why he sent his only son Jesus Christ to redeem not just the Jews but Gentiles like me as well. We just only need to believe in him, confess our sins and be baptized. Again, there is no such thing as too much wickedness for him.

In closing, this is a far cry from the God that commits genocide. Let us all be as humble and be moved by the Lord as the king of Nineveh was moved, and repented in sackcloth and ashes. If they were able to do it, so can this generation who is more wicked than those in the Days of Noah and Jonah.



JUNE 29,2017    


Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Read 1 Corinthians 5:6-8

KEY VERSE: "Your glorifying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaventh the whole lump?  (Verse 6)"  

When my wife started making bread she will always use a small amount of yeast to make the dough double in size. This method is called proofing, in which ample time is given to the yeast to work on the dough, doubling it's size. She does not need a lot, only a little.

Which bring us to the key verse at hand. We as Christians need to be careful with small sins. Just as the verse says, "a little leaven leaventh the whole lump?" (verse 6). A little flirtation can lead to an adulterous affair. A small lie can bring a big person to shame. A coveting of something that your neighbors have can lead to either adultery or stealing.

Paul said that we need to purge out the leaven. I this way, the dough will not rise and will not be corrupted. Needless to say, we must purge our minds and our hearts with the leaven of evil desires. Yes, we must be like the Passover bread that is unleavened. Let the dough of our consciousness remain pure.

Leaven is good for bread, but not for us. A small thing can lead into something big, and before we know it we are entirely consumed with it. Let us always remind ourselves to dine in the unleavened bread which is the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Bread from Heaven.



JUNE 27,2017  

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Read  Luke 4:17-30

Key Verse  "And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears (Verse 21) ."

Jesus Christ's preaching starts with the book of the prophet Isaiah, in which he read what his ministry will be (Verses 18-19). He then closed the book and began to preach, saying unto them that " This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears (Verse 21)". Very powerful words. Imagine, the scripture fulfilled right before their eyes. What is the crowd's reaction?

 Some argued that he is just the son of a carpenter (Joseph). He told them,"No prophet is accepted in his own country (Verse 24)".  He also gave them examples about Elijah and the widow during the time of the famine in Israel and Elisha and the leper Naaman. The people wanted to kill him because of their anger. But he just went away in the midst of them.

Jesus Christ was rejected by the Jews since he came at a lowly state. They knew him to be the son of Joseph the carpenter. They did not believe him because of this. Even though he did a lot of miracles still they put him to death. But what really angered the Jews? It's because of his examples of Elijah, in which only the widow of Zarephath, who believed in Elijah when the King and Queen of Israel just wanted to kill him. Also, Naaman of Syria was at first hesitant to follow his advice but did and was healed. Needless to say, if  Jesus Christ will be rejected by the Jews, then like Naaman and the widow who are Gentiles will accept him. 

Today, Jesus Christ is seeing the fulfillment of the scriptures. After his death, his disciples spread his teachings to many nations. How blessed are we that we have the living testament of his scriptures. Let us not reject his teachings, else we must follow them, and tell others how his teachings has touched our lives. We be ashamed to call ourselves Christians if we don't accept him.     

Also, the Scriptures are being fulfilled little by little. Very soon, we will meet him. While there is still time, let us always be in fellowship in his body and blood.



JUNE 21,2017     


Read  Galatians 4:22-31

Key Verse : " Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman (Verse 30) ."

The apostle Paul made a reference in this chapter of his letter to the Galatians regarding the sons of Abraham. It is said that he has two sons, one of a bondwoman and another by a freewoman (verse 22). Abraham's son by Hagar is Ishmael, which is born of the flesh. Ishmael was born because Sarai gave Hagar to Abraham to raise an heir for him, since they can't have children. In short, Ishmael was born not because of God's promise, but of man. His son, Isaac, with Sarah was God's promise to him. And through Isaac's son Jacob thus the nation of Israel was born.

Here the apostle Paul not only references Abraham's sons, but the implication it has for us. When we were living under the flesh, we are the children of Hagar. We all know that the flesh gives us unto the bondage of sin. And what are the wages of sin:death. But God gave us his promise in Our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we are redeemed by his precious body and blood. He became God's promise to us, so that we are not anymore sons of a bondwoman, but of a free woman. As Isaac was the child of promise, Jesus Christ also made us children of the Spirit, having fulfilled God's promise to us.

The key verse tells all what is the difference of being Ishmael or Isaac. If we continue to live carnally in this world, we can never be free. We will always be in bondage, and will be cast out, since those of the flesh can't be co heirs with those of the Spirit. If we have Jesus Christ in our lives, recognize what he has done for us, and live according to his ways, then can we say that we are sons of a freewoman, Let us learn to live in God's will, and to be children of the promise always. 



JUNE 21,2017               

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Read  Matthew 6:5-15

Key Verse: "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly (verse 6)."

As my path to our Lord Jesus Christ became clear to me, I find myself praying to him more often. Before I start reading the bible, and before and after our bible sharing time at home with my wife. I also say a short prayer every morning before I go to work, and as I arrive in the office. Prayer became a way for me to communicate with the Lord, and thank him for all the blessings and for the strength for that day. Which brings me to an important point.

For most Christians, prayer is mostly limited to just asking God what we want. It is as if God is our personal ATM. I know God is happy knowing that there are people that still relies on him, but after the request is made, then what?  They forget to even thank God in prayer, which of course saddens him. I was like this before.  

In my old faith, we pray, yes,but not to Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. We prayed to Idols and dead people, who as taught to us before, were to intercede with us before God. Now, being a Christian, did I just realize that I was committing idolatry. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ prayed a lot while he was here with us. He prayed to his Father when he is alone. He also taught his disciples how to pray, not as the heathens do. He gave us the Lord's Prayer (verses 9-13), a complete prayer of worship, thanksgiving, repentance and supplication. This prayer is Our Lord's gift to us, thus we should always pray it with care. Again when a prayer is not answered by the Lord, let us not be discouraged. Remember that Our Lord Jesus Christ prayed also that the cup of suffering be removed from him, but he still followed the will of the Father and not his own (Matthew 26:42).  

I closing, I also encourage you to pray for your fellow brothers and sisters in the faith. Our Lord Jesus prayed for his disciples (John 17), so we must do,too. Remember that prayer, when done sincerely, lifts up your soul and spirit with the creator. I will continue to pray for all of you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.



JUNE 14,2017                  

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Read  1 Corinthians 11:20-34 

Key Verse: “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.” 

The Lord's Supper is an event for all Christians. It is the beginning of what will eventually be the greatest sacrifice that our Lord Jesus Christ made.  In the gospels it is merely a passover meal eaten by Jesus with his disciples, But as we have known, that Our Lord Jesus Christ made a covenant with his disciples that night. When he went back to the father, in the book of Acts is is said that the disciples continued with the breaking of the bread with the growing number of believers in Christ.

What does the breaking of the bread mean for us? Paul's first letter to the Corinthians states that it is done as a memorial of the Lord's death until he comes. We remember his great sacrifice on the cross, the bread being his body and the wine being his blood. We remember why he came into this world, and we also await his return. Again, a remembrance and memorial.

When I was a Catholic, the mass shows that according to them, the bread and wine becomes the actual body and blood of Christ. Again, this is far from what the bible really says about him. This is more a deception, a sleigh of hand. 

However, the church in Corinth was reprimanded by Paul because they didn't take the breaking of the bread seriously. This is a remembrance in the sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ, thus he reproved them. He then replied " For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body" (verse 29).      

So, when we gather in the breaking of the bread, let us be solemn in prayers. Let us eat and drink in accordance with the how Paul instructed the church in Corinth, In this we remember Our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice, and his promise that he will return.



JUNE 13,2017  

Friday, June 9, 2017


Read Amos 8:11-12 

Key Verse:Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: (verse 11)

A famine is defined as a severe shortage of food resulting in hunger, death and starvation. In this current day of age, some countries suffer from this. Factors that are attributed to famine are environmental issues and even man made ones like wars and local insurrection. Many lives are lost as a result of this.

In the last days, we will suffer from widespread famine. As the world will now be in chaos due to wars and destruction, may people will die from the resulting famine of it. But there is a different kind of hunger that the prophet Amos predicted in the olden times. Though these verses tell of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, this passage rings to us today.

Chapter 8 Verse 11 tells of a famine "not of bread, nor a thirst of water, but of hearing the words of the Lord".  We may think that this is impossible, but at these times we are now experiencing it. The famine that I speak about is the inability of some church leaders to actually give the necessary words of the Lord to the people. They have "itching ears", only hearing what they want to hear. They only preach what is good, and not the consequences of sin which is eternal damnation when our Lord Jesus Christ comes. Most Christians are more concerned about the things of this world more that what god can give. Their rivers of Living Waters are being dried up, thus the word of God leaves them. As our Spirits are not nourished, it dies and in sin. As a result, they now turn back to the world.

Amos also said that they will seek the word of the Lord and not find it. Where do we get the word of God? THE BIBLE. There will be days when we will look for the bible but will find it not. Also, the only true bible of our time, THE KING JAMES BIBLE (KJV) will be phased out in the future, to give way to modern bibles with missing verses. This will also cause malnourishment of the soul as the modern day bibles water down the teachings of Jesus Christ.

In closing, brothers and sisters of the faith, please, I urge you, before this famine comes that you study the words of our Lord Jesus Christ with fellow believers. Read and nourish it's words so that when this famine comes your souls and spirits are full. Indeed, write the words of the bible in your hearts. Paul's second letter to Timothy just tells us that:



JUNE 9,2017

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Read Ezekiel 3:17-21

Key VerseSon of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. (v 17)

During the olden times, a watchmen is assigned to warn people of incoming danger. They will sound their horn, blowing it very loudly, to let everyone hear it, and be warned or be prepared of the danger that they will face. In the days of Judah's captivity, the prophet Ezekiel was assigned by the Lord to be a watchmen for the children of Israel. This was not an easy task, as was stated in verses 18-21. It is stated that the watchman must warn the wicked to turn from his evil ways, and if he fails to warn him "that wicked person will die, but his blood is required of  thee" (verse 18). Again, if a righteous man commits a sin and does not warn him. " he will die of his sin and the righteousness that he has done shall not be remembered, but his blood is required of thee" (verse 20).

This is a very big responsibility for Ezekiel. But this also hold true for us today. Due to Christianity being watered down, there are no more watchmen left. The so called "Hellfire and Brimstone" pastors are replaced with Prosperity Preachers who teach more about material wealth than heavenly wealth. They don't know that if the members of their church didn't know about Hell, they will die in their sins. Why? Because they were not informed about it. But God will require the blood of the pastor or head for not telling them.  

Beloved brothers and sisters in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, let us be that watchman that will tell people to turn away from sin and get right back with God. Let us not sugarcoat our tongues. Let them realize the wages of their sins. The Holy Spirit and the Bible are our tools. Time is running out.
Let's us do everything in or power to warn them of their sins, because God loved us so much that he offered a perfect sacrifice for it, his son Jesus Christ. If you fear Hell, then just do it because you love Jesus Christ. 



JUNE 8,2017